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LaDonna Harris defends casting of Johnny Depp over an Indian

LaDonna Harris and Johnny Depp

Comanche Nation activist LaDonna Harris doesn't think it matters that a non-Indian is portraying Tonto in The Lone Ranger, which opens in theaters today.

Harris adopted actor Johnny Depp into her family. She said his star power was more important than casting an Indian in the role.

“There were a lot of complaints that he could’ve been [played by] an Indian, true, but then it wouldn’t have gotten the visibility that Johnny Depp could give it,” Harris told The Washington Post.

Depp has claimed Indian ancestry but has been vague about it.

Get the Story:
Depp’s Tonto: an upgrade on a stereotype or just an updated stereotype? (The Washington Post 7/3)
Will Disney’s new Tonto be any better? (AP 7/3)
UCLA professor says Depp's Tonto reinforces Native American stereotypes (The Examiner 7/3)

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