
Casino Stalker
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe waits on casino bid

It's been nearly a year since the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts submitted its land-into-trust application.

The newly recognized tribe plans to use 539 acres in the town of Middleboro for a casino. The Bureau of Indian Affairs held a series of public hearings to discuss the project.

It's not known when the BIA will publish the draft environmental impact statement. But the tribe expects action by next spring, a spokesperson said.

Most people in the town voted for the casino. The tribe signed an agreement to share an estimated $11 million a year in gaming revenues with the town, plus make $250 million in infrastructure improvements.

Get the Story:
Town, tribe still betting on casino (The Raynham Call 7/30)
Casino task force struggles to re-energize itself (The New Bedford Standard-Times 7/31)