Clinton and Obama target votes on Navajo Nation

With the Super Tuesday primary fast approaching, Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton and are targeting voters on the Navajo Nation.

Obama, a first-term senator from Illinois, is opening an office in Shiprock, New Mexico. Don Benally, the vice president of the Navajo Nation's Shiprock Chapter, supports the candidate.

"They believe he's going to provide better health care for the American people and also stimulate the economy for the reservations, which is badly needed," Benally told the Associated Press.

Clinton, a second-term senator from New York, is also looking for Navajo votes. She visited the reservation when she was First Lady. Former President Bill Clinton also visited.

"Navajos aren't going to be ignored with Hillary as president," Brian Lee of Shiprock told the AP. Former Navajo president Peterson Zah is endorsing Clinton.

In related Democratic presidential news, former Sen. John Edwards (D-North Carolina) dropped out of the race today. He failed to score any primary or caucus wins.

Get the Story:
Obama Opens Navajo Office; Clinton To Follow (AP 1/30)
Press Release: Former Navajo Chairman and First President of the Navajo Nation Peterson Zah Endorses Hillary Clinton for President (Hillary Clinton 1/29)

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Hillary Clinton -

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