HillTube: Abramoff discusses lobbying business in Washington

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"Asked if he could become Washington's money man again, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, recently released after three years in prison, said he "absolutely" could come back to Capitol Hill and do it again.

"Sure, there are people doing it right now the same way," Abramoff said on NBC's "Press Pass." "Now mind you again, I crossed lines, even the lines, the murky lines that they’ve set which are frankly absurd, I crossed even those lines."

After his stint in federal prison after pleading guilty to charges of corruption, fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion, Abramoff released a book called Capitol Punishment in which he argues that everyone on Capitol Hill and K Street is complicit in a system of favors and influence-peddling."

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Abramoff: I could do it again, easily (The Hill 11/17)

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