Protest against racist mascot draws large crowd in Minnesota

Hundreds of protesters, backed by a slew of politicians, called on the Washington professional football team to eliminate its racist mascot on Thursday.

Protesters marched from the American Indian Movement headquarters to the Minnesota Vikings stadium in Minneapolis. They received support from Gov. Mark Dayton (D), Rep. Betty McCollum (D), outgoing Mayor R.T. Rybak (DFL), newly elected Mayor Betsy Hodges (DFL) and the entire city council.

"We want the R-word completely erased from the memory of the NFL,” said Clyde Bellecourt, one of the co-founders of AIM, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

The Washington team lost to Minnesota.

Get the Story:
Dayton, protesters at Metrodome blast Washington nickname (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 11/8)
Metrodome protesters condemn nickname of Vikings' opponent (The St. Paul Pioneer Press 11/8)
Hundreds rally in protest of Redskins’ name ahead of game against Minnesota Vikings (AP 11/7)
Hundreds gather outside Mall of America Field to protest Redskins’ name (The Washington Post 11/7)
Minn. politicians criticize Redskins’ name ahead of game against Minnesota Vikings (AP 11/7)

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