St. Regis Mohawk Tribe restores river with removal of aging dam

St. Regis Mohawk Tribe on YouTube: Hogansburg Hydroelectric Dam Removal - Phase 1

The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe has restored hundreds of miles of river habitat by removing an aging dam near the reservation.

The tribe decommissioned the Hogansburg Dam this summer after becoming a co-licensee in the project. Removal work started in July and was completed in the fall, freeing up 555 miles of habitat, much more than anticipated, for fish and other species.

"We look at this not only as reclaiming the resources and our land, but also taking back this scar on our landscape that’s a constant reminder of those days of exploitation," Tony David, the tribe's water resources manager, told The Associated Press.

The Hogansburg Dam is the first dam to come down in the state and the first to be decommissioned by a tribe, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The land that was used for the dam will be returned to tribal ownership.

Read More on the Story:
Removal Of Dam On Tribal Land Points To Changing River Policie (AMI Newswire 12/15)
Dam destruction major victory for Mohawk tribe (Al Jazeera 12/15)
Mohawks become first tribe to take down a federal dam (AP 12/11)

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