Connelly: A more secure America

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"On certain fronts, such as energy, a new kind of thinking is needed, especially if the terrorist threat hangs with us for years.The Alaska congressional delegation tells the country it must drill for oil and gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to guarantee energy security. A few days ago, however, a drunk with a rifle blew a hole that shut down the trans-Alaska pipeline for three days.

Wouldn't we be more secure if our new cars and sport-utility vehicles used less gasoline?

The Bush administration has pushed for a national energy plan that centers on construction of pipelines and nuclear reactors.

Centralized power plants and pipelines are highly vulnerable to attack by terrorists. Solar panels, fuel cells and wind energy offer far more dispersed sources of electric power. How would a terrorist blow up a wind farm?"

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In The Northwest: Country's natural heritage also deserves protection (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10/17)