Subsistence hearing scheduled

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The Senate Indian Affairs has scheduled a hearing on Alaska Native subsistence, the first Congressional hearing on the topic in years.

The November 1 hearing was scheduled at the request of the Alaska Federation of Natives. AFN says Congress might be able to help the state out of its subsistence debate, since there is opposition from Republican lawmakers to recognizing some form of Native or rural priority.

In the wake of losing the landmark Katie John case, Alaska Gov. Tony Knowles has put together a panel of state leaders to offer an amendment to the state's constitution to recognize a subsistence priority. The panel has come up with a draft.

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Congress to hear subsistence issue (The Anchorage Daily News 10/19)

Relevant Links:
Subsistence Amendment, Alaska Governor Tony Knowles -
Native subsistence rights, Native American Rights Fund -
Alaska Federation of Natives -
Katie John et al. v. State of Alaska -

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