Bush to nominate slew of judges

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APRIL 25, 2001

After limiting the role of the American Bar Association in the process, the White House plans on nominating judges to fill numerous spots on the federal bench.

As many as 50 will be nominated by early May. These include appeals court and district court positions and the White House has been considering most of the nominees in private, working with state Republican parties and other groups.

At the same time, Democrat lawmakers are accusing Republicans of trying to change how the Senate approves nominees. They say its an attempt by Republicans to fill the bench with conservative or right-leaning judges.

Defeated Senator Slade Gorton has taken a job with a Washington state law firm but has expressed continued interest in sitting on either the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals or the DC Circuit. In either position, he'd preside over cases affecting a number of tribes.

Get the Story:
White House Prepares Judicial Nominating Blitz (The Washington Post 4/25)
Republicans seek to weaken Democrats' ability to stop nominees (AP 4/24)

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