Editorial: Good riddance to reactor

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In an editorial today, The Seattle Times says the Bush administration made the "right call" to shut down permanently a money-wasting and long dormant nuclera reactor in Washington.

The Clinton administration had decided to shut down the Fast Flux Test Facility on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for good. New Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham reversed the decision upon taking office earlier this year but has now changed his mind.

"Stay focused on Hanford's legacy: cleanup," the paper writes, pointing to the fact that Hanford needs additional work to clean up highly radioactive nuclear waste.

Hanford was formerly part of land owned by several tribes, including those now part of the Yakama Nation. The land was ceded to the government in a 19th century.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Hanford facility runs out of reprieves (The Seattle Times 12/21)

Relevant Links:
Revised tribal policy, Department of Energy -
Indian Nations Program, Hanford Site -
Cultural and Historic Resource Program, Hanford Site -
Tribal Nations Involvement, Office of Environmental Management -

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