Trump nominee for key appeals court seen as favorable to tribal interests (June 16, 2017)

President Donald Trump is slowly filling open seats on courts across the nation and one of his picks has an important link to Indian Country.

Second hearing scheduled on bill to reform the Indian Health Service (June 16, 2017)

Efforts to reform the Indian Health Service continue to see attention on Capitol Hill.

Kristi Noem: Enough is enough - It's time to fix the Indian Health Service (June 16, 2017)

For years, federal reports have documented shocking cases of mismanagement and poorly delivered care within the Indian Health Service.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe welcomes 'victory' in Dakota Access Pipeline case (June 16, 2017)

While oil continues to flow through the Dakota Access Pipeline, tribes remain confident they will prevail on their treaty, trust and environmental claims.

Terese Mailhot: We don't tell Native women how brilliant they really are (June 16, 2017)

We need to tell Native women they are brilliant far more often than we do, Terese Mailhot writes on Indian Country Media Netowrk.

Mark Trahant: Dakota Access decision offers a chance to return to respect (June 16, 2017)

The federal court decision could start a new chapter in the DAPL saga, beginning with dropping prosecution of water protectors.