
Florida AG: Gaming leads to increase in crime

"As the Indian gaming debate simmers in Florida, there are significant issues to consider about expanding casino gambling throughout the state.

With Las Vegas-style gambling prospects, citizens are raising concerns about public safety and consumer protection, and I share those concerns.

The statistics are sobering. In communities that permit Class III casino gambling, such as Las Vegas-style slot machines, blackjack card games and even roulette or craps, the crime rate is nearly twice the national average.

Additionally, statistics show that illegal gambling is significantly more prevalent in states that have opened the door to legalized gambling. A recent study found more than two-thirds of compulsive gamblers had engaged in criminal activity, including violent crimes, because of a gambling problem.

The potential for revenue enhancement has been cited as an appealing benefit to the expansion of gambling, but Floridians should consider the cost of doing so. For every dollar gambling would bring in, research shows three more dollars are spent on increased social costs for criminal justice and social welfare."

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Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum: Statistics show crime rate will rise (The Florida Times-Union 10/2)