
Court backs Kickapoo Tribe's immunity in casino employment case

The Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas is immune from lawsuits under the Civil Rights Act, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.

The tribe agreed to comply with Title VII of the law but it did not waive its immunity, the court said. Congress specifically exempted tribal governments from the law.

The decision came in a lawsuit filed by Robert Nanomantube, who has Kickapoo heritage but is not enrolled with the Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas. He sued the tribe after a non-Indian was hired as the general manager of the Golden Eagle Casino.

Turtle Talk has posted documents from the case, Nanomantube v. Kickapoo Tribe.

Get the Story:
Antidiscrimination Clause Doesn’t Waive Sovereignty (Indian Country Today 21/)

10th Circuit Decision:
Nanomantube v. Kickapoo Tribe (January 31, 2011)

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Judge dismisses lawsuit over Kickapoo casino hire (11/6)