
Editorial: Electronic bingo machines still big mess in Alabama

"Will the controversy over electronic bingo ever be resolved?

Are there not more pressing matters facing the state?

Apparently not.

Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange has written a letter to the National Indian Gaming Commission telling them that the electronic bingo machines that are operated by the Poarch Creek Indians in their casinos are illegal under Alabama law and must be removed.

However, since Alabama law allows paper bingo, Indian officials claim that electronic bingo is legal. Bingo, they say, is bingo. And since federal law, under which the tribes operate, permits Indians to conduct any gambling operation that the state allows, the tribe contends that it can have bingo — electric or paper.

We heard both arguments when Bob Riley was governor. Now we are hearing them again."

Get the Story:
Editorial: O-h, n-o! B-i-n-g-o! Electronic gaming issue rises once more in Alabama (The Anniston Star 2/17)

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