Arts & Entertainment

Review: 'Seldom Disappointed' with Tony Hillerman memoir

"If you ever have the bounty of standing on the rim and looking down into the astounding beauty of the sacred Navajo landscape of Canyon de Chelly, you might possibly have a sudden urge to stay longer than you’d originally planned.

If that happens, you’ll probably want to check in at the tribally owned Thunderbird Lodge nearby. That evening, you could wander over to the cafeteria, housed in the original 1896 trading post, and maybe have some fry bread with honey. When you’re full, try sitting out under the cottonwood trees in the abiding quiet and reading a good book until the high-plateau Arizona light fades in the West.

No book? Well, you can buy one in the Thunderbird’s gift shop. They’re on a rack by the check-in desk not too far from the rug room, where you’ll see piles of beautiful handwoven Navajo rugs. There’s a catch, though—they only have books written by one author.

They’ve got novels, mysteries, non-fiction works, children’s books, New York Times bestsellers, photo essays, travel books, even a memoir—all by just one singular writer, Tony Hillerman."

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Seldom Disappointed by Tony Hillerman (Paste Magazine 2/6)

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