Subsistence approved on Alaska waters

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Pleasing Alaska Natives, the Federal Subsistence Board on Tuesday designated the Copper River and the upper Kenai River and other federal waters on the Kenai Peninsula as a subsistence area.

The board established a subsistence for salmon, trout, Dolly Varden and char on federal waters on the Kenai and the west side of Cook Inlet. The board also established subsistence for fish wheels un an area formerly reserved for dipnetters.

The changes won't happen immediately, said federal officials.

Federal law requires a priority for Natives. State law has conflicted, leading to a protracted court battle against an Athabaskan grandmother.

Gov. Tony Knowles (D) subsequently dropped an appeal of the case to the Supreme Court.

Get the Story:
Upper Kenai River to open for subsistence (Anchorage Daily News 12/12)

Relevant Links:
Subsistence Amendment, Alaska Governor Tony Knowles -
Native subsistence rights, Native American Rights Fund -
Alaska Federation of Natives -
Katie John et al. v. State of Alaska -

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