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In The Hoop

Welcome to In The Hoop, Indianz.Com's occasional column about assorted Indian issues.

Watch out for Senator Chief!
We all know that tribal governments have sovereign immunity (well, in most cases) but did you know that the only Native American in the Senate does as well?

That's according to U.S. District Judge Clarence Brimmer, of the federal court in Wyoming, who ruled way back in June that Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.) is free from an age discrimination lawsuit filed by a former staff member. According to Roll Call, which reported on the case this week, the decision stretches the bounds of Constitutional protections generally afforded to lawmakers.

"I think this is the farthest extension of the Speech or Debate Clause of any court I've read," attorney David Frederick told Roll Call.

The former employee, Rita Bastien, 62, is appealing to the 10th Circuit.

Shut Yo Mouth
Remember when Associate Deputy Secretary Jim Cason didn't know whether to call Campbell a chairman, a Congressman or a Senator? Check out In the Hoop's August 1 installment in case you forgot.

Well it seems Campbell had some trouble of his own. At Tuesday's Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing on trust reform, he mispronounced the Interior official's name (KAH-son instead of KAY-son) but soon corrected his gaffe.

Historic Commitment
Every political administration since the dawn of time has said it will do more to correct Indian trust problems. The current one repeats that statement over and over, apparently hoping it will be true one of these days.

But the high-level dedication claimed by the Bush folks at the Department of Interior seems to have faded some. After her disastrous testimony before a House panel in February, and a follow-up in federal court, Secretary Gale Norton has all but disappeared.

The mantle was seemingly handed off to Deputy Secretary J. Steven Griles, who has sworn under oath that is in charge of trust. (He's all but lied in a subsequent declaration, but we won't go there right now.)

Yet after being criticized for not being able to explain the government's trust standards in two Senate appearances, Griles seems to have gone under the radar to be replaced by Cason, who -- in case you didn't know -- was summarily dismissed by a Senate committee for an Agriculture department post during the Bush I regime.

It doesn't look like Cason will go into hiding any time soon but all this shuffling leaves us wondering what Interior lackey will be forced to testify at the next trust reform hearing. (It certainly won't be Ross Swimmer. Or Donna Erwin.) So watch out, Bureau of Indian Affairs employee #2523, it might be you!

In Your Hoop
Have you been asked to testify on Indian trust? Email In the Hoop and let us know.

Previous In The Hoops
Sep. 20 | Sep. 19 | Sep. 13 | Sep. 10 | Sep. 6 | Sep. 5 | Aug. 30 | Aug. 27 | Aug. 23 | Aug. 22 | Aug. 16 | Aug. 14 | Aug. 13 | Aug. 9 | Aug. 8 | Aug. 2 | Jul. 30 | Jul. 26 | Jul. 24 | Jul. 23 | Jul. 20 | Jul. 19 | Jul. 18 | Jul. 12 | Jul. 11 | Jul. 5 | Jun. 28 | Jun. 21 | Jun. 20 | Jun. 14 | Jun. 7 | Jun. 6 | May. 31 | May. 30 | May. 29 | May. 24 | May. 21 | May. 17 | May. 16 | May. 15 | May. 14 | May. 10 | May. 9 | May. 8 | May. 7 | May. 2 | Apr. 30 | Apr. 26 | Apr. 24 | Apr. 23 | Apr. 19 | Apr. 18 | Apr. 17 | Apr. 16 | Apr. 15 | Apr. 12 | Apr. 11 | Apr. 10 | Apr. 9 | Apr. 5 | Apr. 4 | Apr. 3 | Apr. 2 | Mar. 29 | Mar. 28 | Mar. 27 | Mar. 26 | Mar. 22 | Mar. 21 | Mar. 20 | Mar. 19 | Mar. 18 | Mar. 15 | Mar. 14 | Mar. 13 | Mar. 12 | Mar. 11 | Mar. 8 | Mar. 7 | Mar. 1 | Feb. 28 | Feb. 27 | Feb. 22 | Feb. 21 | Feb. 20 | Feb. 15 | Feb. 13 | Feb. 8 | Feb. 6 | Feb. 1 | Jan. 30 | Jan. 29 | Jan. 25 | Jan. 24 | Jan. 18 | Jan. 17 | Jan. 16 | Jan. 15 | Jan. 11 | Jan. 10 | Jan. 9 | Jan. 7